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Judge Fatih Kılınç was sentenced to 6 years 3 months in prison on 18...
Dismissed and arrested judge Fatih Kılınç was sentenced to 6 years 3 months in prison on 18 April 2019 over the pretext of terrorism...
NEWS | Former judge detained while fleeing to Greece on 27 July 2018
7 adults with 4 kids including former judge Muhammed İkbal Yardımcı were detained in İzmir while they were reportedly on their way to Greece.
Judge Şenol DEMİR had surgery for intestinal cancer in 2012 and since then he has been in cancer treatment. He was arrested under the...
Judge Zekeriya Erdoğan, former member of Court of Cassation sentenced to 8 years 9...
Expelled and detained judge Zekeriya Erdoğan, former member of Court of Cassation was sentenced to 8 years 9 months in prison over the pretext...
HABER-YORUM | Tutuklu avukatları tahliye eden hakim heyeti, sonradan kararlarını geri aldıkları halde sürgün...
Yaklaşık bir yıldır terörizm bahanesiyle tutuklu bulunan 17 avukatın yargılandığı davanın ilk duruşmasında tüm avukatların önce tahliyesine, bir gün sonra ise ilginç bir şekilde...
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Son of purge victim judge jumps to his death from Galata...
Nahit Emre Güney, a 26-year-old university student, died on Wednesday (12. October 2022) after he jumped from the observation deck of Galata Tower, an...
Purge-victim judge dies of cancer on 6. August 2022
Abdurrahman Sakar, a former Turkish judge who was fired from his job in the aftermath of a failed coup in 2016, died of cancer...
Jailed post-coup victim judge Mehmet Sait Demiröz dies after ICU hospitalization...
A former member of Turkey’s Supreme Court of Appeals who was disbarred in the aftermath of a failed coup and subsequently jailed due to...
Gürsel Ceylan, former member of the Council of State who was...
Gürsel Ceylan, former member of the Council of State who was expelled after July 15 coup attempt, passed away on May 26, 2022.
After the...
VIDEO | A purge-victim woman judge: “The darkest day of the...
Editor of Free Judges Elmas shared:
"The darkest day of the Turkish judiciary. A witness&victim of that night. My colleague &friend Elif told her own...
Former judge Zihni Doğan’s mother died due to traffic accident
Former judge Zihni Doğan's mother died due to traffic accident on 8th March 2022.
Purge victim judge Zihni Doğan, former member of Court of Cassation...
Mustafa Dinç, former judge at the Council of State, arrested in...
A former judge at the Council of State, Turkey’s highest administrative court, was arrested in Ankara after a prison sentence was upheld, the Sözcü...
Nurdan Gündüz, wife of the purge victim prosecutor İbrahim Gündüz, was...
Nurdan Gündüz, wife of the Turkish prosecutor İbrahim Gündüz, was buried in the Muslim cemetery of Kos after the married couple lost their lives...
The Erdogan Regime freezes the assets of hunderds of persons including...
With the decision published by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance in the Official Gazette on December 24, 2021, it was decided to freeze...
Former judge candidate with 6-month-old baby sent to prison in defiance...
Esra Çiçeklidağ, a former judge candidate dismissed from her job by a government decree, was arrested on November 10, 2021 in violation of a...