A former member of Turkey’s Supreme Court of Appeals who was disbarred in the aftermath of a failed coup and subsequently jailed due to pretex of terrorism died on 22.07.2022 morning after spending a week in the intensive care unit.
Mehmet Sait Demiröz, 58, was one of the more than 4,500 members of the judiciary who were removed from their jobs in the aftermath of a coup attempt in Turkey on July 15, 2016.
Demiröz was first jailed on July 21, 2016 and was released after serving several years due to an advanced lung problem called empyema. He was recently rearrested and sent to Ödemiş Prison in the western province of İzmir after lung surgery, with his wife, Melek, frequently complaining that Demiröz was not being given proper treatment while in prison and his health was deteriorating.
Melek Demiröz constantly called for the release of his husband from prison, saying that he faces the risk of a heart attack and multiple organ failure but judicial authorities failed to heed her call.
Judge Demiröz had been given a jail sentence of 13 years, six months on terrorism-related charges.